...ynq应用于星载计算机所存在的核心问题是如何在空间复杂的高能粒子辐射环境中保证其器件的可靠性,单粒子翻转(Single Event Upset,SEU)是Zynq所面临的主要的可靠性问题。
SRAM Single event upset SRAM单粒子翻转
Single Event Upset rate 单粒子翻转率
single event upset SEU 单粒子翻转
single event upset effects 单粒子翻转截面
single event multiple bit upset 单粒子多位翻转
single upset event 单粒子效应
Current Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) chip can only be erased and configured periodically and repeatedly during the Single Event Upset(SEU) error detection, and this is not a continuous error detection and correction method.
参考来源 - 一种SEU硬核检测电路的设计与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The incident Angle dependences of the cross sections for single event upset and single event latchup are presented.
Feasibility of prediction for single event upset rate based on 252cf experimental results in space orbits was analyzed.
Two typical master-slave type D flip-flop of strong hardness to Single Event Upset(SEU) for radiation environment are introduced.